Barbara Jean Brown
My beauty is define by…
Barbara Brown served her community well and was an advocate for those who were less fortunate. She had a strong compassion for children and believed in raising them up knowing and loving God. In 1968 Barbara Brown formed a summer camp for underprivileged children entitled “Operation Long thrust” where she served as Camp Director for 43 years. Barbara also served as the director of the Dorcas House, a halfway house for women, from 1974 to 1977 and for over 35 years traveled to Purdy Treatment Center to minister to women who were incarcerated. In recognition of her community involvement and humanitarian efforts, Barbara received the “1984 Outstanding Citizen Award” from the Eta Mu Zeta Graduate Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Barbara also received the 1997 Volunteer of the Year Award. Barbara Jean Brown led a life of extraordinary courage and strength. She was a true witness to God’s saving and healing power. She was a woman of extraordinary grace and dignity sent to us by God “for such a time as this.”
She had an extraordinary way of making everyone she touched feel special and loved. To those that had no Mother or Grandmother, she became Mom and Grandma; to those that needed a sister or friend, she was that also; and to those that needed a spiritual mentor and counselor, she was all that and more.